It has been a busy few weeks for the boy. We have been to Vermont to the Chu's annual summer BBQ and bike ride. Everyone had a great time. Dad and Lewin also went to Duxbury for an afternoon to visit Gamoo at the rehab center where she is recovering from breaking her foot. It was a beautiful afternoon and we were able to go out into the courtyard where Gamoo gave Lewin a bottle.

We also went to the lactation clinic where we were able to weight Lewin and find out that he is now 16lbs. .4oz. That is a big boy.
Lewin is becoming a pro at tummy time and he can now roll over from his belly to his back, both directions.
At the end of August we went to Halifax for the annual Coady/O'Brien cookout. It was kind of chaotic but every once survived. Lewin got to meet his cousin Hayden (would wanted to hold Lewin after he saw the photos of his sister Hope holding Lewin)

and got to hang with all the other Coady kids who are a bunch of goofballs. Lewin's aunts and Uncle could not keep their hands off him.
Some day Natalie, some day.
Lewin also got to meet his great aunt Allie (Dan's Godmother) who came all the way down from New Hampshire to meet Lewin. Thanks Allie.
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